HC Pine Ridge Hunting Club
  • PLEASE SEE Club News/Events for changes!
  • We are now accepting membership applications for the 2025-2026 hunting season. Please submit a check or money order for $1400 with the application filled out from this website.
  • New/Prospective members will be decided on by the board on a first come/as needed basis (If you aren't accepted as a new member, your money will be refunded)
  • Old members please pay $200 per structure that you have left on the club from last year. ANY structures not claimed/paid for will be the responsibility of the ENTIRE camp. 

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Pine Ridge Hunting Club

Proud Wildlife Conservation Partners with Molpus, Rayonier and ManuLife Investments

 Hardin County Pine Ridge  Hunting Club is approximately 6000 acres of timber company land in Hardin County, Texas. Located 15 miles west of Kountze, the county seat. We have been in existence for 40+ years. There are 4 campsites with water.  If you're looking for a safe, family atmosphere to hunt year-round this is the place.

Our members enjoy year-round hog hunting, and all other state wildlife seasons are observed including squirrels, dove, wood ducks, and quail. Bobcats and Coyotes are also plentiful.

Our club has been under a game management program for 20+ years and 13" or better antler restrictions per the county for 10+ years.